Run Index — Awesome Games Done Quick 2014

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Summer Games Done Quick 2014 →
Name Runners Hosts Commentators Description Start Time Run Time Bid Wars
jak and daxter Bonesaw577 2014-01-05T12:00:00-05:00 0 No
crash bandicoot CaneofPacci any%. Donations for Stormy Ascent bonus level 2014-01-05T13:35:00-05:00 0 Yes
spyro: year of the dragon TOTOzigemm, SSBMstuff any% race 2014-01-05T14:48:00-05:00 0 Yes
viewtiful joe tminator64 kids difficulty, makes sonic jealous 2014-01-05T16:03:00-05:00 0 Yes
pikmin 3 Miles Broken% 2014-01-05T16:56:00-05:00 0 No
super monkey ball 2 Miles, Geoff, Peanutphobia race 2014-01-05T18:19:00-05:00 0 Yes
kirby's adventure controllerhead 2014-01-05T18:50:00-05:00 0 No
cave story M1_Account best ending 2014-01-05T20:10:00-05:00 0 Yes
tas bot/tas block dwangoAC Gradius, Super Mario 64, and Super Mario World 2014-01-05T21:51:00-05:00 0 Yes
banjo kazooie Stivitybobo any% 2014-01-05T22:41:00-05:00 0 No
i wanna be the guy TenshotsTV Donation incentive for Gaiden. 2014-01-06T00:15:54-05:00 0 Yes
hotline miami CuteFluffyBunny, Duke Bilgewater new game +. Possible race 2014-01-06T01:18:54-05:00 0 No
tomb raider 2 feasel 2014-01-06T02:16:00-05:00 0 No
vampire: the masquerade: bloodlines lurk 2014-01-06T04:33:00-05:00 0 No
ducktales remastered Satoryu Donations for Extreme difficulty 2014-01-06T05:32:00-05:00 0 Yes
duck tales dxtr 2014-01-06T06:22:00-05:00 0 No
ecco the dolphin halfbakedprophet glitched run 2014-01-06T06:25:00-05:00 0 No
darkwing duck Joka, The Mexican Runner race, donations for a no items run 2014-01-06T06:41:00-05:00 0 Yes
cocoron Bosscrab WTFJapan begin 2014-01-06T07:07:00-05:00 0 No
kendo rage Omnigamer WTFJapan 2014-01-06T07:32:00-05:00 0 Yes
legend of mystical ninja Heidrage WTFJapan 2014-01-06T07:50:00-05:00 0 Yes
yume penguin monogatari romscout WTFJapan 2014-01-06T08:31:00-05:00 0 No
no one can stop mr. domino Breakdown best game. WTFJapan 2014-01-06T08:51:00-05:00 0 Yes
power shovel Gyre RIDE THE POWER SHOVEL! WTFJAPAN! 2014-01-06T09:08:00-05:00 0 Yes
actraiser 2 PJ It keeps us on schedule. 2014-01-06T09:32:00-05:00 0 No
sonic r Bertin 2014-01-06T10:39:00-05:00 0 Yes
sonic adventure dx Marche Fighter Paladin 2014-01-06T11:04:00-05:00 0 No
mega man coolkid any% glitches 2014-01-06T12:01:00-05:00 0 No
mega man 2 cyghfer 2014-01-06T12:30:00-05:00 0 Yes
rockman and forte Joka 2014-01-06T13:06:00-05:00 0 No
mega man 9 usedpizza 2014-01-06T13:55:00-05:00 0 No
super mario world 2: yoshi's island Tri-Hex 100%. Donation incentive for glitched run. 2014-01-06T14:43:00-05:00 0 Yes
katamari damacy grass WTFJapan end 2014-01-06T17:35:00-05:00 0 No
jazz jackrabbit Vortale 2014-01-06T19:04:00-05:00 0 No
bioshock Blood Thunder 2014-01-06T19:50:00-05:00 0 Yes
deus ex UraniumAnchor 2014-01-06T20:48:00-05:00 0 Yes
duke nukem 3d LLCoolDave 2014-01-06T22:18:00-05:00 0 Yes
quake coolkid respect your elders. easy difficulty 2014-01-06T22:47:00-05:00 0 No
final doom: the plutonia experiment Dime Ultra-Violence difficulty, donation incentive for secret map, "Go 2 it" 2014-01-06T23:21:00-05:00 0 Yes
doom 1 vs. 2 bid war Dime, Vortale Bid war race! UV difficulty. 2014-01-07T00:51:00-05:00 0 Yes
resident evil 4 Sunblade Wii version. 2014-01-07T01:42:00-05:00 0 No
halo 2 Monopoli Donation Incentive for Legendary 2014-01-07T03:28:00-05:00 0 Yes
metal gear solid Slade Extreme difficulty, glitched run 2014-01-07T05:50:00-05:00 0 Yes
metal gear rising cramer_ hard difficulty 2014-01-07T07:12:00-05:00 0 Yes
little nemo: the dream master Joka 2014-01-07T08:42:00-05:00 0 No
battletoads and double dragon PJ, Mecha Richter 2014-01-07T08:45:00-05:00 0 No
a boy and his blob Zephyrz 2014-01-07T09:15:00-05:00 0 No
kabuki quantum fighter SMK 2014-01-07T09:17:10-05:00 0 No
journey to silius ZakkyDraggy will we finally see this game? 2014-01-07T09:39:00-05:00 0 No
batman dxtr 2014-01-07T09:55:00-05:00 0 No
battletoads The Mexican Runner Race. Bidding war for any% and warpless. 2014-01-07T10:11:00-05:00 0 Yes
kid icarus Jorf 2014-01-07T10:51:00-05:00 0 No
streemerz Andy, Garrison race. Donations for 16 bags of cash 2014-01-07T11:39:00-05:00 0 Yes
bucky o' hare cyghfer Donations for hard mode 2014-01-07T11:49:00-05:00 0 Yes
mega man x Caleb Hart, Zewing 100%. Race. 2014-01-07T12:31:00-05:00 0 Yes
mega man x3 Zewing 100% 2014-01-07T13:18:00-05:00 0 No
mega man x4 sneaks Bid war for X and Zero 2014-01-07T14:12:00-05:00 0 Yes
mega man zero 3 kuribon 2014-01-07T15:01:00-05:00 0 No
super mario land 2: 6 golden coins laplacier 2014-01-07T15:50:00-05:00 0 No
super mario bros.: the lost levels tjp7154 2014-01-07T16:24:00-05:00 0 Yes
super mario bros. andrewg Warpless. Donations for a warps run. 2014-01-07T17:15:00-05:00 0 Yes
super mario bros. 3 Kirua, Mitch 100% co-op. Donation incentive for a warps run by Mitch 2014-01-07T17:42:00-05:00 0 Yes
super mario world linkdeadx2, Dram55 any% no cape/star world, and donation incentive for small-mario only. Race. 2014-01-07T19:46:00-05:00 0 Yes
the legend of zelda: a link to the past Andy, solidus 2014-01-07T20:54:00-05:00 0 Yes
the legend of zelda: link's awakening dx giuocob Donations for glitched run 2014-01-07T22:32:00-05:00 0 Yes
the legend of zelda: twilight princess Pheenoh Donations for all dungeons 2014-01-08T00:09:00-05:00 0 Yes
barkley shut up and jam! gaiden Laz 2014-01-08T04:53:00-05:00 0 Yes
bastion Vulajin any% 2014-01-08T06:22:00-05:00 0 Yes
another world UraniumAnchor 2014-01-08T06:54:00-05:00 0 No
star wars snes Striker Bid war for which one 2014-01-08T07:14:00-05:00 0 Yes
golden axe HonorableJay Bid war for character 2014-01-08T08:06:00-05:00 0 Yes
dungeons and dragons: shadow over mystara MURPHAGATOR!, Sent, ButtersBB, mikwuyma co-op. 2014-01-08T08:25:00-05:00 0 No
fire emblem 7/sacred stones Molotov, Bertin Bid war between the two games. 2014-01-08T09:00:00-05:00 0 Yes
fire emblem sacred stones Bertin Bid war between the two games. 2014-01-08T09:01:00-05:00 0 No
secret of mana Yagamoth, StingerPA 3-player co-op 2014-01-08T11:38:00-05:00 0 Yes
star fox 64 zallard1 bid war between high score and speedrun 2014-01-08T14:08:00-05:00 0 Yes
super meat boy iMysty, vorpal any% race 2014-01-08T15:27:00-05:00 0 No
x-men mutant apocalypse Molotov marvel% 2014-01-08T15:59:00-05:00 0 No
donkey kong 64 Cfox7, znernicus glitches% 2014-01-08T16:28:00-05:00 0 Yes
donkey kong country NewAgeRetroHippie 101%. Donations for a glitched run 2014-01-08T17:33:00-05:00 0 Yes
donkey kong country 2 reflected possible race, and donation incentive for lost world levels done by dragonballjoseph. 2014-01-08T18:57:00-05:00 0 Yes
donkey kong country 3 MorKs any%, donations for warpless 2014-01-08T19:52:00-05:00 0 Yes
diddy kong racing Toufool31 100%. Donations for glitched text storage 2014-01-08T20:52:00-05:00 0 Yes
castlevania bloodlines Klaige Expert difficulty. Donations for Lecarde or Morris 2014-01-08T23:05:00-05:00 0 Yes
castlevania: symphony of the night Mecha Richter, zex Richter all bosses race, and donation incentive for an Alucard any% run. 2014-01-08T23:50:00-05:00 0 Yes
mario kart 64 dntn31 skips 2014-01-09T00:55:00-05:00 0 Yes
f-zero EdwardFourZERO6 Grand Prix 2014-01-09T01:38:00-05:00 0 No
f-zero gx CGN Story mode. Donations for very hard. 2014-01-09T02:41:00-05:00 0 Yes
sonic 2006 DarkSpinesSonic broken% 2014-01-09T03:20:00-05:00 0 No
glover heeheex2, stri_ race, AwfulGDQ. Donations for glove costumes. 2014-01-09T03:57:00-05:00 0 Yes
prayerwarriors: a.o.f.g. peaches_ AwfulGDQ 2014-01-09T05:12:00-05:00 0 No
zoo race Duke Bilgewater, SkeletonBill hard mode 100% race. AwfulGDQ begins! 2014-01-09T05:33:00-05:00 0 No
pac-man 2: the new adventures Mecha Richter AwfulGDQ star 2014-01-09T05:54:00-05:00 0 Yes
captain novolin Zerst AwfulGDQ 2014-01-09T07:07:00-05:00 0 No
attack of the killer tomatoes xcd AwfulGDQ 2014-01-09T07:22:00-05:00 0 Yes
e.t. Presjpolk 2014-01-09T07:36:00-05:00 0 No
rad raygun PJ AwfulGDQ 2014-01-09T07:43:00-05:00 0 No
garfield: a week of garfield coolkid AwfulGDQ 2014-01-09T07:58:00-05:00 0 No
donald land Garrison AwfulGDQ 2014-01-09T08:13:00-05:00 0 No
two crude dudes MURPHAGATOR! AwfulGDQ 2014-01-09T08:38:00-05:00 0 No
batman returns HonorableJay Genesis version. AwfulGDQ 2014-01-09T09:02:00-05:00 0 No
spiderman and x-men: arcade's revenge PJ AwfulGDQ 2014-01-09T09:19:00-05:00 0 No
shinobi legions Breakdown AwfulGDQ, Cutscenes% 2014-01-09T09:56:00-05:00 0 No
contra force Mr. K AwfulGDQ end 2014-01-09T11:00:00-05:00 0 No
contra Heidman, DK28 co-op 2014-01-09T11:24:00-05:00 0 Yes
super c Mr. K, Heidman co-op 2014-01-09T11:41:00-05:00 0 No
contra iii: the alien wars Mr. K 2014-01-09T11:59:00-05:00 0 Yes
chip 'n dale: rescue rangers feasel, sinister1, Blechy, cyghfer co-op 2014-01-09T12:25:00-05:00 0 No
ninja gaiden dxtr 2014-01-09T12:41:00-05:00 0 No
ninja gaiden 2 duckfist Donations for sword-only 2014-01-09T13:00:00-05:00 0 Yes
ninja five-o Blechy normal difficulty 2014-01-09T13:21:00-05:00 0 No
mark of the ninja Raelcun new game + 2014-01-09T14:04:00-05:00 0 Yes
mystery game Mr. K 2014-01-09T14:45:00-05:00 0 No
the mask Mr. K 2014-01-09T14:50:00-05:00 0 No
hitman: blood money Kotti Silent Assassin run 2014-01-09T15:08:00-05:00 0 Yes
mirror's edge ddaanniieell, Ovendonkey PC version race 2014-01-09T16:43:00-05:00 0 No
the elder scrolls: skyrim Wymorn 2014-01-09T17:35:40-05:00 0 No
vvvvvv FieryBlizzard Donations for all trinkets 2014-01-09T18:41:00-05:00 0 Yes
age of empires 2 Barbarossa89 Scenario bid war 2014-01-09T19:49:00-05:00 0 Yes
starcraft ii: heart of the swarm Raelcun Brutal difficulty 2014-01-09T20:09:00-05:00 0 No
half-life coolkid hard difficulty 2014-01-09T23:47:00-05:00 0 Yes
half-life 2 Studio easy difficulty 2014-01-10T00:37:00-05:00 0 No
portal Azorae, znernicus Race. in-bounds vs. oob donation war 2014-01-10T03:05:00-05:00 0 Yes
portal 2 Azorae, znernicus co-op or solo co-op 2014-01-10T03:27:00-05:00 0 No
quantum conundrum Blood Thunder 2014-01-10T04:20:00-05:00 0 No
typing of the dead peaches_ 2014-01-10T05:28:00-05:00 0 No
surgeon simulator 2013 ProfessorBroman, Missy 2014's Octodad? co-op 2014-01-10T06:36:00-05:00 0 No
borderlands 2 UberGoose, ProfessorBroman, TeaWrex, iMysty. co-op 2014-01-10T07:16:00-05:00 0 Yes
dishonored Sloth Bid war between any% and a non-lethal/ghost run 2014-01-10T10:10:00-05:00 0 Yes
antichamber Marche Fighter Paladin 2014-01-10T11:10:00-05:00 0 Yes
tony hawk's underground 2 Chrno 2014-01-10T11:40:00-05:00 0 Yes
tony hawk's american wasteland George, Chrno co-op. Donations for a THPS3 run 2014-01-10T12:15:00-05:00 0 No
blast corps Graviton, peaches_ any% race 2014-01-10T12:33:00-05:00 0 No
mr. driller drill spirits jarvitz 2000 meters. Blindfolded incentive? 2014-01-10T13:19:00-05:00 0 Yes
pokemon soul silver Werster Glitched run. 2014-01-10T13:49:00-05:00 0 Yes
mike tyson's punch-out!! sinister1 DanielSan% 2014-01-10T17:00:00-05:00 0 Yes
super punch-out zallard1 Donations for blindfolded 2014-01-10T17:46:00-05:00 0 Yes
alien soldier zoast 2014-01-10T18:20:00-05:00 0 No
the legend of zelda: majora's mask ZFG any% 2014-01-10T19:01:00-05:00 0 Yes
the legend of zelda: ocarina of time ZFG, Moltov All Dungeons race 2014-01-10T20:48:00-05:00 0 Yes
metroid prime Miles any% 2014-01-10T22:52:00-05:00 0 Yes
super metroid zoast, Ivan, Garrison, Krauser race 2014-01-11T00:42:00-05:00 0 Yes
metroid zero mission Kirbymastah, Dragondarch 100%. Donation incentive for a hard low% run instead. 2014-01-11T01:48:00-05:00 0 Yes
goldeneye Bassboost, RWhiteGoose Co-op run. 2014-01-11T03:11:00-05:00 0 Yes
perfect dark Big Bossman Perfect Agent difficulty 2014-01-11T03:49:00-05:00 0 Yes
f-zero x WMJ Grand Prix and donation incentive for expansion cups 2014-01-11T05:09:00-05:00 0 Yes
grand theft auto: vice city AdamAK All Missions 2014-01-11T06:36:00-05:00 0 No
super mario galaxy 2 Yoshifan 2014-01-11T09:58:00-05:00 0 Yes
paper mario Anatomyz 2014-01-11T13:33:00-05:00 0 Yes
super mario 64 peaches_ 16-star one-handed. 2014-01-11T16:09:00-05:00 0 Yes
luigi's mansion lukehhhh The only setup appropriate for a finale 2014-01-11T16:40:00-05:00 0 No
minecraft bismuth It made it! 2014-01-11T17:03:00-05:00 0 No
the legend of zelda: wind waker hd Cosmo 2014-01-11T17:20:00-05:00 0 Yes
chrono trigger Obdajr donations for 100%, and a possible donation incentive for new game+ by Adrian 2014-01-11T22:41:00-05:00 0 Yes
bonus stream Everyone 2014-01-12T12:00:00-05:00 0 Yes

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