Will Kiryua and the GDQ Monitor find true love while a jealous spike watches on and thinks of Footbigmike? Donate to find out how this true love story ends!
The Catogory Low% is really different depending on version.
Snes version(Buster Only Low%):
Being the first version everything is pretty normal. This does not have a special glitch which all disc versions have. not yet a WR category but I want to make it so.
GCN Version (Low% MMX Collection):
No Lag, You walk climb faster , when you walk and jump you jump higher and faster
and this version has a glitch which skips all the 8 mavericks and you have to do this 4 times.
it's somewhat frame precise. The Run is really interesting. Suicide% go. I Hold the WR in this category.
Have RoboSparkle literally play and complete the greatest I Wanna Be the Spelunky game that was ever made in the early 90s for the Amiga on a 3.5" floppy. If we reach $1000 then Mike Uyama will play first. He enjoyed Toki after all, so this should be fun for him, right?