
You can find our shows on our official Twitch.TV stream, or simply stop by here the day of each show!


Games Done Quick wants to promote the various communities in speedrunning and get more people involved. We offer up our channel and resources to help communities reach a wider audience.

Get Involved!

Do you have a run you'd like to submit for a chance to be featured on GDQ Hotfix? If so, our run submission form is now open for submissions!

Catch Up On Past Episodes!


Welcome to Hotfix - GDQ's regularly scheduled programming. Hotfix features a diverse roster shows that spotlight different communities, challenges, and flavors of speedrunning! We've recently updated our programming and are excited to announce Hotfix Seasons! Check out our 2024 Season 1 schedule below, and make sure you're following us on Twitch to get notified when we're live!

Don't forget to follow our Twitter/X! We always announce new shows and schedule changes!

Week Faith


7PM - Challenger Approaching with adef (Challenge Runs)
10PM - Speedruns from the Crypt with Ecdycis (Horror Games)


1PM - Special Events!


1PM - Special Events!

Week Velocity


7PM - RNG with Skybilz (Randomizers)
10PM - Time Capsule with SmoothOperative (Speedrunning by Year)


Special Events!


Special Events!

Don't forget to follow our Twitter! We always announce new shows and schedule changes!