Time Received: 2014-01-09T12:40:34-05:00 — Amount: $480.00

AGDQ's annual poker tournament for PCF is completed and the top 3 are distributing their bids. Third place Darkman is putting $50 towards the Wind Waker filename Co5mo2, 2nd place Linkdead is putting $140 towards the Borderlands 2 cosplay, and winner Rudllak84 is putting $200 towards Super Metroid Spore Spawn RTA and $90 towards Chrono Trigger 100%. Congrats to the winners and shout outs to sinister1 for organizing.

Donation Bids

Run Name Amount
super metroid Spore Spawn RTA Race $200.00
chrono trigger 100% Run $90.00
borderlands 2 Team Cosplay $140.00
the legend of zelda: wind waker hd File Name -- CO5M02 $50.00

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Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty