Hey everyone me again swinging by & happy to see the Zero run! My grandparents both had cancer, with my Grandma passing away just a little more than a week before Christmas. It's a terrible thing, and I won't stop donating til we see caner eradicated once and for all.
There's a ton of memories to think back on, but the NES/SNES that lived at my grandma's & brought the family around the TV after dinner sticks out a lot. Megaman was one of those game I always got to play with my uncle and cousins when we went to her house to visit, so they hold a special place to me while this block is going on. Another one is Secret of Mana, and I wanted to name one of the characters in her memory. But after hearing another donation, I'm throwing all $50 behind naming the Girl in the game Papaya. Best of luck to everyone on their runs, sorry for the rant, you'll be hearing from me again soon!