Blindfolded Cryonis Windbomb — (Run) BONUS GAME 7 - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Total: $130,625.76
Goal: $80,000.00
Stretch Goal: $130,000.00

If met, Bubzia will perform a blindfolded showcase of the Windbomb method to complete the Cryonis shrine.

Stretch Goals

Name Description Amount Step Goal
Blindfolded Cryonis Windbomb If met, Bubzia will perform a blindfolded showcase of the Windbomb method to complete the Cryonis shrine. $80,000.00 $80,000.00
Blindfolded BLSS Showcase If met, Bubzia will perform a blindfolded showcase of the 'BLSS' glitch that allows players to launch from Hyrule Field all the way to Ganon's Castle. $50,000.00 $50,000.00
NameAscDsc Time ReceivedAscDsc AmountAscDsc
Krouton 2023-06-03T23:45:44.540238-04:00 $250.00
Misapops 2023-06-03T23:44:50.602351-04:00 $50.00
akusai 2023-06-03T23:44:41.554226-04:00 $5,000.00
PraytorYourGods 2023-06-03T23:44:36.824053-04:00 $50.00
Tustin2121 2023-06-03T23:44:25.579840-04:00 $50.00
vvooper 2023-06-03T23:44:21.727354-04:00 $25.00
Sonic Dark Dragon Blade 2023-06-03T23:44:17.826077-04:00 $50.00
Somervillain86 2023-06-03T23:44:14.754278-04:00 $50.00
(Anonymous) 2023-06-03T23:44:09.873753-04:00 $250.00
Adam 2023-06-03T23:44:07.216553-04:00 $50.00
Juniper 2023-06-03T23:44:04.560861-04:00 $40.00
Halfsan 2023-06-03T23:43:23.295520-04:00 $50.00
John Perrigo 2023-06-03T23:43:11.656205-04:00 $5.00

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