Prize Index — Summer Games Done Quick 2023

← Frost Fatales 2023
Event List
Flame Fatales 2023 →
No donation necessary for a chance to win. See sweepstakes rules for details and instructions.
Name Contributed By Entry Threshold Games Category Image
Bugsnax Bunger Painting Emmie Elliott $15.00 Minimum Donation Pre-Show before the marathon% Skate 2 Any% None Link KeiichiFace#9873
Bugsnax Cookie Cutters Tanuki Crafts $10.00 Minimum Donation Pre-Show before the marathon% Skate 2 Any% None Link None
Bugsnax Stained Glass Strabby kissmyblackglass $25.00 Minimum Donation Pre-Show before the marathon% Skate 2 Any% None Link Laktesh#9733
Light Capsule Lenticular Pin Fangamer $5.00 Minimum Donation Pre-Show before the marathon% Skate 2 Any% None Link Corvia#7399 - (Anonymous)
Mario Kart "Road Hazards" Fused Glass David Goodman, G3 Glass Studio $20.00 Minimum Donation Pre-Show before the marathon% Skate 2 Any% None Link BashPrime#9417
Mega Buster Schematic megamarino $15.00 Minimum Donation Pre-Show before the marathon% The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Any% None Link Anaeka#4971
Mega Man Iron-On Patches WolfenWings $5.00 Minimum Donation Pre-Show before the marathon% Skate 2 Any% None Link CaptainSnuggles#9800
Mega Man Yellow Devil Pin The Yetee $5.00 Minimum Donation Pre-Show before the marathon% Skate 2 Any% None Link None
MM3 Wily Castle Mousepad Studio Pen Pen $5.00 Minimum Donation Pre-Show before the marathon% Skate 2 Any% None Link DrewFitz#4196
Pokemon Typhlosion Enamel Pin Set Ihuatzin $10.00 Minimum Donation Pre-Show before the marathon% Skate 2 Any% None Link YD#8338 - Kieros#2425
Signed PS4 Copy of Bugsnax Dashey's Games & More $20.00 Minimum Donation Pre-Show before the marathon% Skate 2 Any% None Link LA GRIMACE#2571
Signed PS5 Copy of Bugsnax Dashey's Games & More $20.00 Minimum Donation Pre-Show before the marathon% Skate 2 Any% None Link Oliviamancer#7842
Skate 3D Sign The Fresh Prints of Denver $10.00 Minimum Donation Pre-Show before the marathon% Skate 2 Any% None Link None
Sonic Frontiers Bead Art Canvas Profkayton $15.00 Minimum Donation Pre-Show before the marathon% Skate 2 Any% None Link HexSpeedruns#8614
Sonic Ring Box Sky Burkson $50.00 Minimum Donation Pre-Show before the marathon% Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition NG Devil Hunter - Nero/Dante None Link Hope Loneheart#5786
“Surprised Pika” Cross-stitch Erin McLaughlin $15.00 Minimum Donation Pre-Show before the marathon% Skate 2 Any% None Link J and M#9199
The Behemoth Merch Bundle The Behemoth $50.00 Minimum Donation Pre-Show before the marathon% Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition NG Devil Hunter - Nero/Dante None Link Jonboy#4307
DMC Prop Shredder Spinning Sword Pin Fangamer $5.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Any% Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition NG Devil Hunter - Nero/Dante None Link Andy#5629 - SirNekro#3829
Kirby LED Neon Sign iggyzig $20.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Any% Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition NG Devil Hunter - Nero/Dante None Link Thompson#1480
Legend of Zelda Pendants WolfenWings $5.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Any% Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition NG Devil Hunter - Nero/Dante None Link (Anonymous)
Majoras Mask Leather Bound Manga James Hodgin $25.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Any% Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition NG Devil Hunter - Nero/Dante None Link PikachuPhD#6116
OoT Don Gero Frog Choir Digital Print Sky Pirate Prints $10.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Any% Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition NG Devil Hunter - Nero/Dante None Link Kenny&Eliese#9749 - Adam#7868
Ring Fit Adventure Framed Watercolor Art Print Valerie Englehart $15.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Any% Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition NG Devil Hunter - Nero/Dante None Link Bookie#4636
Ring Fit Sticker Sheet Alecat $5.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Any% Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition NG Devil Hunter - Nero/Dante None Link (Anonymous)
Ring Mouth Kirby Coaster! PrinterSpaghetti $10.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Any% Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition NG Devil Hunter - Nero/Dante None Link MidniteParade#8944
"Super Luigi" Illustration YoshioKun13 $10.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Any% Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition NG Devil Hunter - Nero/Dante None Link Iryna#4308
The Legend of Zelda Large Zip Bag bluetiedesigns $10.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Any% Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition NG Devil Hunter - Nero/Dante None Link boboblio#4422
Banjo-Kazooie Classic Cover Jigsaw Puzzle Rare and Fangamer $10.00 Minimum Donation Thief (2014) Any% (Rogue, No DLC) Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle Season 3 None Link Jesse G#9963
Banjo-Kazooie Plush Set Rare and Fangamer $10.00 Minimum Donation Thief (2014) Any% (Rogue, No DLC) Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle Season 3 None Link (Anonymous)
Dreamy Creamy Kirby Keychain and Dreamy Magnet set PrinterSpaghetti $10.00 Minimum Donation Thief (2014) Any% (Rogue, No DLC) Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle Season 3 None Link Mot#4602
Golden Jiggy Pin Rare and Fangamer $5.00 Minimum Donation Thief (2014) Any% (Rogue, No DLC) Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle Season 3 None Link Led Shep#8239
Kirby's Dream Buffet Canvas Print Geoff Wagner $20.00 Minimum Donation Thief (2014) Any% (Rogue, No DLC) Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle Season 3 None Link SalmonBuffalo#5688
LOOM Tote Bag Paper Meels $10.00 Minimum Donation Thief (2014) Any% (Rogue, No DLC) Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle Season 3 None Link Orion Zaal#2590
Metal Banjo Kazooie Collectibles Cute Monster Props $15.00 Minimum Donation Thief (2014) Any% (Rogue, No DLC) Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle Season 3 None Link Jonimoose#6573
Piece of Heart Tufted Wall Art Yuru yuru studio $15.00 Minimum Donation Thief (2014) Any% (Rogue, No DLC) Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle Season 3 None Link Tonelowke#5876
Stitched Kirby Hot Pad Ceebs_wsb $10.00 Minimum Donation Thief (2014) Any% (Rogue, No DLC) Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle Season 3 None Link NeoWo1f#9172
The Legend of Zelda Scalemail Drape Stalara From Magical AF Boutique $50.00 Minimum Donation Thief (2014) Any% (Rogue, No DLC) Hearthstone: Knights of the Frozen Throne Solo Adventures None Link Zeromisu!#3046
Crochet Chocobo Geeky Creations Crochet $10.00 Minimum Donation Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion Any% Race The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Any% None Link jjbulletdancer#8457
Final Fantasy 7: Shinra Company Patch WolfenWings $5.00 Minimum Donation Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion Any% Race The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Any% None Link ReverendGumby#9386
Final Fantasy VI Resin Magicite Jewelry Set Julia Hut $15.00 Minimum Donation Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion Any% Race The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Any% None Link None
Final Fantasy XIV Fat Cat Enamel Pin Ihuatzin $10.00 Minimum Donation Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion Any% Race The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Any% None Link (Anonymous) - Jacob#6037
Link Amigurumi EscapeKeyCrochet $15.00 Minimum Donation Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion Any% Race The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Any% None Link lilacfishie#4453
Lon Lon Glass Milk Container Making It Nerdy $10.00 Minimum Donation Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion Any% Race The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Any% None Link Shy Cai#2587
Sengoku Cloud & Fenrir Acrylic Print Gallery Panda & Sxeven.Art $20.00 Minimum Donation Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion Any% Race The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Any% None Link (Anonymous)
Sleeping Kirby Crochet Amigurumi Mr. Wilson $20.00 Minimum Donation Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion Any% Race The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Any% None Link AudzNotEven#6333
Sly Cooper 20th Anniversary Plush Sucker Punch and Fangamer $10.00 Minimum Donation Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion Any% Race The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Any% None Link Bru12#3875
The Legend of Zelda Glass Painting KP___ART $25.00 Minimum Donation Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion Any% Race The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Any% None Link Durinthal#5441
The Legend of Zelda Wall Mirror iggyzig $20.00 Minimum Donation Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion Any% Race The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Any% None Link Larry#2614
Tonberry Amigurumi mr_ed_nigma $20.00 Minimum Donation Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion Any% Race The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Any% None Link Staris#2366
Castlevania Castle Framed Art Min Turn Makers $25.00 Minimum Donation Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon Any% Ultimate Hearthstone: Knights of the Frozen Throne Solo Adventures None Link (Anonymous)
Castlevania Trevor Belmont Whip Cosplay Replica iggyzig $25.00 Minimum Donation Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon Any% Ultimate Hearthstone: Knights of the Frozen Throne Solo Adventures None Link MartinScoresEZ#1666
Cult of the Lamb Vinyl and Plushie Massive Monster and Devolver Digital. $15.00 Minimum Donation Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon Any% Ultimate Hearthstone: Knights of the Frozen Throne Solo Adventures None Link DeM0nFiRe#6477
Dance Arrows Alecat $5.00 Minimum Donation Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon Any% Ultimate Hearthstone: Knights of the Frozen Throne Solo Adventures None Link Sophie#6356
Fancy Pokémon Print Set Kat the Goblin $10.00 Minimum Donation Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon Any% Ultimate Hearthstone: Knights of the Frozen Throne Solo Adventures None Link Caleb#5450
Gunbrella Enamel Pin Doinksoft and Devolver Digital $5.00 Minimum Donation Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon Any% Ultimate Hearthstone: Knights of the Frozen Throne Solo Adventures None Link Arc#9931 - Dodecalope#9018 - feyerbrandx#1952 - Hippofart#4451
Kirby Ramen Bowl Corky-Lunn $15.00 Minimum Donation Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon Any% Ultimate Hearthstone: Knights of the Frozen Throne Solo Adventures None Link Smack54#6204
Shield Knight & Altius 3D Painted Model XplosiveAction $10.00 Minimum Donation Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon Any% Ultimate Hearthstone: Knights of the Frozen Throne Solo Adventures None Link G-Virus#5586
Yu-Gi-Oh! "Time Wizard" Stretched Canvas Painting aixipaints $50.00 Minimum Donation Hearthstone: Knights of the Frozen Throne Solo Adventures SIGNALIS Any% Casual Difficulty / Memory Ending None Link So_last_summer#6342
1-Up Mushroom Bag LoopsForDaysCrochet $10.00 Minimum Donation Overcooked! 2: Night of the Hangry Horde All (Hangry) Horde Levels Hi-Fi RUSH Any% NG Easy None Link Arren Jevleth#4577
CrossCode Collector's Edition (PS4) Deck13 Spotlight / RadicalFishGames / Strictly Limited Games $25.00 Minimum Donation Overcooked! 2: Night of the Hangry Horde All (Hangry) Horde Levels Hi-Fi RUSH Any% NG Easy None Link (Anonymous)
Deck13 Spotlight GDQ Digital Key Bundle Deck13 Spotlight $10.00 Minimum Donation Overcooked! 2: Night of the Hangry Horde All (Hangry) Horde Levels Hi-Fi RUSH Any% NG Easy None Link (Anonymous) - anUrsaMajor#7077 - spoilthefun#6453 - SkyguyLP#7540 - Arkeisios#9788
Glow in the Dark Amigurumi Bow taydeepie $20.00 Minimum Donation Overcooked! 2: Night of the Hangry Horde All (Hangry) Horde Levels Hi-Fi RUSH Any% NG Easy None Link Bursik#8445
Intel 13th Gen i7-13700K CPU Intel $50.00 Minimum Donation Overcooked! 2: Night of the Hangry Horde All (Hangry) Horde Levels SIGNALIS Any% Casual Difficulty / Memory Ending None Link Psykat#4057 - (Anonymous) - BagOSoup#9052 - The Brunch Boyz#1733
Intel Desk Mat Collection Intel $50.00 Minimum Donation Overcooked! 2: Night of the Hangry Horde All (Hangry) Horde Levels SIGNALIS Any% Casual Difficulty / Memory Ending None Link Lupin313#6983 - Ambelie#5367 - pirate_joe525#4826 - Elo#9888 - (Anonymous) - SunDaw#4314 - Onimous#4879 - DeM0nFiRe#6477
Kingdom of Zelda Acrylic Print Gallery Panda & Ozzyoz Da Vyrus $20.00 Minimum Donation Overcooked! 2: Night of the Hangry Horde All (Hangry) Horde Levels Hi-Fi RUSH Any% NG Easy None Link (Anonymous)
Kirby "Big Boy" Cross Stitch Ceebs_wsb $5.00 Minimum Donation Overcooked! 2: Night of the Hangry Horde All (Hangry) Horde Levels Hi-Fi RUSH Any% NG Easy None Link elle#8040
Kirby & the Fountain of Dreams Enamel Pin Ihuatzin $10.00 Minimum Donation Overcooked! 2: Night of the Hangry Horde All (Hangry) Horde Levels Hi-Fi RUSH Any% NG Easy None Link Noodle#1209 - Polymono#5705 - The Brunch Boyz#1733
NES Maniac Mansion Shadowbox Bardic Feline $25.00 Minimum Donation Overcooked! 2: Night of the Hangry Horde All (Hangry) Horde Levels Hi-Fi RUSH Any% NG Easy None Link ShyRanger#3672
Bioshock Poster Carolyn Design $15.00 Minimum Donation Bastion Live Tutorial Showcase BioShock 2 Any% None Link cvpcs#3249
Decayed Master Sword Tote Bag Mia_Like_Papaya $10.00 Minimum Donation Bastion Live Tutorial Showcase BioShock 2 Any% None Link None
Gameboy Handmade Tufted Wall Art Yuru yuru studio $20.00 Minimum Donation Bastion Live Tutorial Showcase BioShock 2 Any% None Link Weezus#1580
Intel 13th Gen i5-13600K CPU Intel $25.00 Minimum Donation Bastion Live Tutorial Showcase BioShock 2 Any% None Link Rune-san#5267 - Feynmanners (Read Fine Manners)#5080 - Nobody#5121
IsoArcade Bioshock Print Rektech.exe $10.00 Minimum Donation Bastion Live Tutorial Showcase BioShock 2 Any% None Link None
Kirby Die Interstellar Dice $15.00 Minimum Donation Bastion Live Tutorial Showcase BioShock 2 Any% None Link Trevor#4609
Metroid Enemy Fused Glass David Goodman, G3 Glass Studio $25.00 Minimum Donation Bastion Live Tutorial Showcase BioShock 2 Any% None Link (Anonymous)
The Legend of Zelda Bath Bomb Pack Little Arrow Soaps $10.00 Minimum Donation Bastion Live Tutorial Showcase BioShock 2 Any% None Link Secbase Unlimited and DF-21#3173
White-Gold Tower Acrylic Painting KP___ART $15.00 Minimum Donation Bastion Live Tutorial Showcase BioShock 2 Any% None Link None
Halo: Legendary Patch WolfenWings $5.00 Minimum Donation Red Bull Daily Recap - Tuesday Recap% SIGNALIS Any% Casual Difficulty / Memory Ending None Link None
Metal Gear Solid Codec Lenticular Pin Set Konami and Fangamer $10.00 Minimum Donation Red Bull Daily Recap - Tuesday Recap% SIGNALIS Any% Casual Difficulty / Memory Ending None Link Ellipsis440#8197 - Dacious#5281
Metal Gear Solid Rex & Ray Pin Set Konami and Fangamer $5.00 Minimum Donation Red Bull Daily Recap - Tuesday Recap% SIGNALIS Any% Casual Difficulty / Memory Ending None Link (Anonymous)
Metroid Digital Print Alex Uithoven $25.00 Minimum Donation Red Bull Daily Recap - Tuesday Recap% SIGNALIS Any% Casual Difficulty / Memory Ending None Link ShyGuy32#5469
Robbie The Rabbit Markable Plush Konami and Fangamer $10.00 Minimum Donation Red Bull Daily Recap - Tuesday Recap% SIGNALIS Any% Casual Difficulty / Memory Ending None Link (Anonymous)
Sierra-117 Acrylic Print Gallery Panda & Alan Side_wpap $20.00 Minimum Donation Red Bull Daily Recap - Tuesday Recap% SIGNALIS Any% Casual Difficulty / Memory Ending None Link holypaladn#3768
Silent Hill 4 Room 302 Pin Konami and Fangamer $5.00 Minimum Donation Red Bull Daily Recap - Tuesday Recap% SIGNALIS Any% Casual Difficulty / Memory Ending None Link masterbeef#9823 - UtahJoe#1420
Silent Hill Halo of the Sun LED Light The Fresh Prints of Denver $20.00 Minimum Donation Red Bull Daily Recap - Tuesday Recap% SIGNALIS Any% Casual Difficulty / Memory Ending None Link (Anonymous)
Silent Hill Red Pyramid Thing Plush Konami and Fangamer $10.00 Minimum Donation Red Bull Daily Recap - Tuesday Recap% SIGNALIS Any% Casual Difficulty / Memory Ending None Link Slipoveri#3947
Snake and Otacon Plush Set Konami and Fangamer $15.00 Minimum Donation Red Bull Daily Recap - Tuesday Recap% SIGNALIS Any% Casual Difficulty / Memory Ending None Link Cyragor#2366
Audio-Technica AT2020USB-X Microphone Audio-Technica $25.00 Minimum Donation Choo-Choo Charles Any% Touhou 14.3: Impossible Spell Card All Scenes No Items None Link None
Audio-Technica AT-LP120XUSB Turntable Audio-Technica $50.00 Minimum Donation Choo-Choo Charles Any% Paper Mario Any% no ace None Link shovelclaws#7212
Choo-Choo Charles Framed Watercolor Art Print Valerie Englehart $20.00 Minimum Donation Choo-Choo Charles Any% Touhou 14.3: Impossible Spell Card All Scenes No Items None Link Kevo#7676
Hollow Knight Wood Burning LLF_Creations $20.00 Minimum Donation Choo-Choo Charles Any% Touhou 14.3: Impossible Spell Card All Scenes No Items None Link (Anonymous)
Journey Wall Clock Esclair Studios $15.00 Minimum Donation Choo-Choo Charles Any% Touhou 14.3: Impossible Spell Card All Scenes No Items None Link iprovidethepaint#3468
Plush Moushley Janatee Craftily $10.00 Minimum Donation Choo-Choo Charles Any% Touhou 14.3: Impossible Spell Card All Scenes No Items None Link (Anonymous)
Reimu and Marisa FumoFumo Plushies SethRah $25.00 Minimum Donation Choo-Choo Charles Any% Touhou 14.3: Impossible Spell Card All Scenes No Items None Link (Anonymous)
Resident Evil Vinyl Record Umbrella Phonograph Co. $20.00 Minimum Donation Choo-Choo Charles Any% Touhou 14.3: Impossible Spell Card All Scenes No Items None Link Erix33#2630
Super Mario Odyssey Cap Kingdom Tote Bag Mia_Like_Papaya $10.00 Minimum Donation Choo-Choo Charles Any% Touhou 14.3: Impossible Spell Card All Scenes No Items None Link Verxl#4697
Electric Glow in the Dark GameBoy Lighter HighestLVL $15.00 Minimum Donation Shatterhand Any% Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut All Stories Relay None Link (Anonymous)
Heart Piece Trinket Tray Min Turn Makers $25.00 Minimum Donation Shatterhand Any% Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut All Stories Relay None Link [FR] Tenrol#6730
Mina The Hollower Painted 3D Model Collection XplosiveAction $15.00 Minimum Donation Shatterhand Any% Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut All Stories Relay None Link RememberMeNever#5236
Pallet Pals Keychains nosddo/ohhnoss $10.00 Minimum Donation Shatterhand Any% Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut All Stories Relay None Link EuroMD#1914
Portal String Art Making It Nerdy $20.00 Minimum Donation Shatterhand Any% Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut All Stories Relay None Link None
Propeller Rat Fairy 3D Painted Model XplosiveAction $5.00 Minimum Donation Shatterhand Any% Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut All Stories Relay None Link None
Smash Ball Lamp Alecat $20.00 Minimum Donation Shatterhand Any% Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut All Stories Relay None Link myass#8575
Sonic & Knuckles Tote Bag Mia_Like_Papaya $10.00 Minimum Donation Shatterhand Any% Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut All Stories Relay None Link None
Untitled Goose Game Decals andjamliving $10.00 Minimum Donation Shatterhand Any% Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut All Stories Relay None Link DesireeBLG#2582
Crochet Navi Keychain Geeky Creations Crochet $10.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Blitz Randomizer Paper Mario Any% no ace None Link Radon Rosborough#6923
Crochet Sleepy Kirby Geeky Creations Crochet $15.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Blitz Randomizer Paper Mario Any% no ace None Link Kimiiko#6740
Goombario Rug riprugs $25.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Blitz Randomizer Paper Mario Any% no ace None Link Cykrus#9773
Mario Bath Bomb Pack Little Arrow Soaps $10.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Blitz Randomizer Paper Mario Any% no ace None Link Eldrazi#7263
Mario Odyssey New Donk Keychain Cute Monster Props $5.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Blitz Randomizer Paper Mario Any% no ace None Link CaelumCV#7917
OoT Dark Link Oil Painting LadyGalaga $25.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Blitz Randomizer Paper Mario Any% no ace None Link (Anonymous)
Paper Mario Origami King Statue Cute Monster Props $25.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Blitz Randomizer Paper Mario Any% no ace None Link Fishy#8512
Paper Mario Whacka Plushy Katzer's Creations $25.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Blitz Randomizer Paper Mario Any% no ace None Link None
Paper Mario Whacka's Bump Painting Marlowe Dobbe $15.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Blitz Randomizer Paper Mario Any% no ace None Link gleebs#7241
Paper Peach Charm PaperDawN $5.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Blitz Randomizer Paper Mario Any% no ace None Link (Anonymous) - blake#8635 - (Anonymous) - Azistance#7281
Sonic Iron-On Patches WolfenWings $5.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Blitz Randomizer Paper Mario Any% no ace None Link None
Super Mario 35th Anniversary Pin Set Charlie856 $20.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Blitz Randomizer Paper Mario Any% no ace None Link Mobstachu777#2391
Super Mario Bros. 3D Perler Figure Set YoshioKun13 $20.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Blitz Randomizer Paper Mario Any% no ace None Link Nubuo#8260
The Legend of Zelda 3D Model Art Prints Sideofb3ans $15.00 Minimum Donation The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Blitz Randomizer Paper Mario Any% no ace None Link Zaneme#8572
"I NEED TP" JoyCon Charm Aura Welsh/Synthetic Ephemera $5.00 Minimum Donation True Crime: New York City Any% Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Any% (No 3rd-party FPS caps) None Link Riek#3585
Luigi's Mansion Tote Bag Mia_Like_Papaya $10.00 Minimum Donation True Crime: New York City Any% Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Any% (No 3rd-party FPS caps) None Link Manijure#8222
Marble Madness Painting Noah McCarthy $50.00 Minimum Donation True Crime: New York City Any% Amnesia: Rebirth Any% None Link BanOddjob#1237
Mario Sunshine Hawaiian Shirt KnockOut!VG $10.00 Minimum Donation True Crime: New York City Any% Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Any% (No 3rd-party FPS caps) None Link Gruebane#6524
Megaman 2 “Dr. Wily’s Castle” Acrylic Painting aixipaints $50.00 Minimum Donation True Crime: New York City Any% Amnesia: Rebirth Any% None Link Blarlack#5727
NES Mash-up Cross Stitch skater43 $25.00 Minimum Donation True Crime: New York City Any% Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Any% (No 3rd-party FPS caps) None Link Ordnael#4780
PM Studios Nintendo Switch Bundle PM Studios $20.00 Minimum Donation True Crime: New York City Any% Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Any% (No 3rd-party FPS caps) None Link (Anonymous)
PM Studios PS5 Bundle PM Studios $15.00 Minimum Donation True Crime: New York City Any% Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Any% (No 3rd-party FPS caps) None Link None
Rupee Tufted Wall Art Yuru yuru studio $15.00 Minimum Donation True Crime: New York City Any% Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Any% (No 3rd-party FPS caps) None Link Zephyron#4807
Shenmue Phoenix & Dragon Mirror Linocut Print Set Sky Pirate Prints $20.00 Minimum Donation True Crime: New York City Any% Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Any% (No 3rd-party FPS caps) None Link (Anonymous)
The Legend of Zelda Calamity Ganon Illuminated Manuscript melavara $50.00 Minimum Donation True Crime: New York City Any% Amnesia: Rebirth Any% None Link Slamscape#9075
Wayne and Garth Perlers Ritzblues $10.00 Minimum Donation True Crime: New York City Any% Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Any% (No 3rd-party FPS caps) None Link gemneant#3396
Darkest Dungeon Watercolor Painting KP___ART $15.00 Minimum Donation Darkest Dungeon Defeat Hag/Necromancer/Swine Prince Bidwar Pizza Tower Any% None Link OneFreeFitz#7529
Hyrule Crest Chainmail Necklace Flying Snails Treasures $10.00 Minimum Donation Darkest Dungeon Defeat Hag/Necromancer/Swine Prince Bidwar Pizza Tower Any% None Link Yami Kero#7663
Mega Man E-Tank Cap The Yetee $10.00 Minimum Donation Darkest Dungeon Defeat Hag/Necromancer/Swine Prince Bidwar Pizza Tower Any% None Link GusnMac#3378
Mega Man E-Tank Field Bag The Yetee $15.00 Minimum Donation Darkest Dungeon Defeat Hag/Necromancer/Swine Prince Bidwar Pizza Tower Any% None Link BZ#7381
Mega Man X Minimalist Print iggyzig $20.00 Minimum Donation Darkest Dungeon Defeat Hag/Necromancer/Swine Prince Bidwar Pizza Tower Any% None Link DolphinDasher#1013
Pizza Tower Best-a Pizza Hinged Pin Pizza Tower and Fangamer $5.00 Minimum Donation Darkest Dungeon Defeat Hag/Necromancer/Swine Prince Bidwar Pizza Tower Any% None Link TheKnightWhoGoesNi#9295
Pizza Tower Pepperman Portrait LaDispupusa $20.00 Minimum Donation Darkest Dungeon Defeat Hag/Necromancer/Swine Prince Bidwar Pizza Tower Any% None Link TrueGrave9#9601
Pizza Tower Peppino Plush Pizza Tower and Fangamer $10.00 Minimum Donation Darkest Dungeon Defeat Hag/Necromancer/Swine Prince Bidwar Pizza Tower Any% None Link Av1tus#2549
Servbot Plush Fangamer $10.00 Minimum Donation Darkest Dungeon Defeat Hag/Necromancer/Swine Prince Bidwar Pizza Tower Any% None Link Nerf#6333
The Legend of Zelda Desk Mat Esclair Studios $15.00 Minimum Donation Darkest Dungeon Defeat Hag/Necromancer/Swine Prince Bidwar Pizza Tower Any% None Link ZeroCrates#9529
The Sword of Legend Vinyl Print Gallery Panda & Dr Monekers $20.00 Minimum Donation Darkest Dungeon Defeat Hag/Necromancer/Swine Prince Bidwar Pizza Tower Any% None Link FANGO#5940
Wily UFO Sliding Pin Fangamer $5.00 Minimum Donation Darkest Dungeon Defeat Hag/Necromancer/Swine Prince Bidwar Pizza Tower Any% None Link Evie#1365
ASUS ROG Peripherals Bundle ASUS $25.00 Minimum Donation BONUS GAME 5 - Titanfall 2 Any% Amnesia: Rebirth Any% None Link Jane#6321 - Laura#7145
Deltarune Queen & Kris Painted 3D Model XplosiveAction $10.00 Minimum Donation BONUS GAME 5 - Titanfall 2 Any% Amnesia: Rebirth Any% None Link None
Gaming Candles Fandlemonium $15.00 Minimum Donation BONUS GAME 5 - Titanfall 2 Any% Amnesia: Rebirth Any% None Link Vicious422#7283
Gild Guy Miniature MrDean $15.00 Minimum Donation BONUS GAME 5 - Titanfall 2 Any% Amnesia: Rebirth Any% None Link eddiepooz#5166
Intel Swag Bag Intel $20.00 Minimum Donation BONUS GAME 5 - Titanfall 2 Any% Amnesia: Rebirth Any% None Link (Anonymous)
Princess Peach in a Fire Flower Field Painting Rocks By Luz $20.00 Minimum Donation BONUS GAME 5 - Titanfall 2 Any% Amnesia: Rebirth Any% None Link (Anonymous)
The Behemoth Chicken Plushie The Behemoth $5.00 Minimum Donation BONUS GAME 5 - Titanfall 2 Any% Amnesia: Rebirth Any% None Link Woulfe#1181 - Cattywumpas#6891
"A Sleeping Pokemon" Tapestry Genel Jumalon $50.00 Minimum Donation Shantae and the Pirate's Curse All Dark Magic, Pirate Mode, No OOB Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link NyloJasra#1085
Broforce Deluxe Edition Vinyl Free Lives and Devolver Digital $10.00 Minimum Donation Shantae and the Pirate's Curse All Dark Magic, Pirate Mode, No OOB Metroid Prime Remastered Any% None Link None
"Chuu-Link" Print Sky Pirate Prints $15.00 Minimum Donation Shantae and the Pirate's Curse All Dark Magic, Pirate Mode, No OOB Metroid Prime Remastered Any% None Link CriticalAxis#5950 - Yuvari#6079
"Continue?" Cross Stitch MegHanSolo $10.00 Minimum Donation Shantae and the Pirate's Curse All Dark Magic, Pirate Mode, No OOB Metroid Prime Remastered Any% None Link Vachiom#9373
Crochet Metroid Geeky Creations Crochet $15.00 Minimum Donation Shantae and the Pirate's Curse All Dark Magic, Pirate Mode, No OOB Metroid Prime Remastered Any% None Link Ref54#1990
Four Swords Adventures Perler Pour Canvas Megean Duncan $15.00 Minimum Donation Shantae and the Pirate's Curse All Dark Magic, Pirate Mode, No OOB Metroid Prime Remastered Any% None Link (Anonymous)
Life-Sized Singing Jigglypuff Katzer's Creations $50.00 Minimum Donation Shantae and the Pirate's Curse All Dark Magic, Pirate Mode, No OOB Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link Sorotassu#1309
Shantae Acrylic Charm PaperDawN $5.00 Minimum Donation Shantae and the Pirate's Curse All Dark Magic, Pirate Mode, No OOB Metroid Prime Remastered Any% None Link Jukariz#7473 - DoomS1ay3r#6807
SNES Controller Exploded View Print iggyzig $20.00 Minimum Donation Shantae and the Pirate's Curse All Dark Magic, Pirate Mode, No OOB Metroid Prime Remastered Any% None Link [FR] BigjimFRG#3936
Sunset Riders "Bury Me With My Money" Cross Stitch Aiben Riggs $20.00 Minimum Donation Shantae and the Pirate's Curse All Dark Magic, Pirate Mode, No OOB Metroid Prime Remastered Any% None Link Caladrius#1989
Tallon IV Landing Site Miniature (Metroid Prime) Sky Burkson $50.00 Minimum Donation Shantae and the Pirate's Curse All Dark Magic, Pirate Mode, No OOB Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link Taterking#7819
The Legend of Zelda Sacred Grove Print Studio Pen Pen $5.00 Minimum Donation Shantae and the Pirate's Curse All Dark Magic, Pirate Mode, No OOB Metroid Prime Remastered Any% None Link Saraceaser#4546
Espeon and Typhlosion Poster Swiftalu $10.00 Minimum Donation Metroid Prime Remastered Any% Sure Shot 100% None Link clamweaver#8560
Chainmail Hacky Sack Poke Balls Flying Snails Treasures $15.00 Minimum Donation Pokémon Colosseum Any% Race Sure Shot 100% None Link Gamer6x9#9115
"Cozy Day at Grandpa's" Acryllic Pokémon Painting Jessie Radgowski $20.00 Minimum Donation Pokémon Colosseum Any% Race Sure Shot 100% None Link CyberBotX#2536
Crochet Drifloon Keychain Rutella $10.00 Minimum Donation Pokémon Colosseum Any% Race Sure Shot 100% None Link Patziken#9877
Crochet Drifloon Plush Rutella $15.00 Minimum Donation Pokémon Colosseum Any% Race Sure Shot 100% None Link GlassArson#5951
Eeveelution Prints Studio Pen Pen $10.00 Minimum Donation Pokémon Colosseum Any% Race Sure Shot 100% None Link None
Mini Weighted Smoliv Plush Pincushion Cat Plushies $20.00 Minimum Donation Pokémon Colosseum Any% Race Sure Shot 100% None Link Greg Lobanov#5052
Pikachu Squishmallow Megan Snyder $20.00 Minimum Donation Pokémon Colosseum Any% Race Sure Shot 100% None Link (Anonymous)
Pokeball Bath Bomb Pack Little Arrow Soaps $5.00 Minimum Donation Pokémon Colosseum Any% Race Sure Shot 100% None Link Div#3278
Pokedex Reusable Sticker Book Kat the Goblin $10.00 Minimum Donation Pokémon Colosseum Any% Race Sure Shot 100% None Link TheShiftayOne#3547
Pokemon Gen 1 Vinyl Art Collage Ketikat $25.00 Minimum Donation Pokémon Colosseum Any% Race Sure Shot 100% None Link Ironsmyth#1481
Pokemon Koi Pond Holographic Print Carolyn Design $10.00 Minimum Donation Pokémon Colosseum Any% Race Sure Shot 100% None Link Arya#7045
Pokemon TCG Scarlet & Violet Booster Box Stu Somers & The Vault $25.00 Minimum Donation Pokémon Colosseum Any% Race Sure Shot 100% None Link (Anonymous)
Set of Vulpix Paper Art Pictures James Hodgin $25.00 Minimum Donation Pokémon Colosseum Any% Race Sure Shot 100% None Link DrewFitz#4196
Bowser “Peaches” Portrait The Gilded Lion $20.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link Shina#4257
Celeste Basecamp Climb Mug EXOK and Fangamer $5.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link TrainerAnade#8657
Celeste Flying Strawberry Pillow blueSkyLackner $15.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link Gamer#6649
Celeste Strawberries Phone Charm Set Aura Welsh/Synthetic Ephemera $15.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link Trace#5933
Celeste Strawberries Pin Set The Yetee $10.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link Kevin#8565
Celeste "Time to Rest" Acrylic Standee The Yetee $10.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link Cabreza#1031
Celeste Winged Berry Patch WolfenWings $5.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link Petrik#6376
Celestial Hotel Keychain EXOK and Fangamer $5.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link [FR]Gworkag#7187
Guitar Hero Plastic Guitar Pins Alecat $10.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link None
Heartless Plush Pincushion Cat Plushies $25.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link SAIKOsean#7945
Hercules DJ Control Inpulse 200 Deck Spin Rhythm XD $25.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link sodliddesu#6600
Kingdom Hearts Heartless and Nobody Patches WolfenWings $5.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link Agent766#9806
Kingdom Hearts Prints Meir Rayne $10.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link KeybladeAlchemist#1830
Madeline and Badeline Plush Set EXOK and Fangamer $15.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link (Anonymous)
"One Winged Angel" Canvas Art Print Genel Jumalon $25.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link Jaridian#8646
Riku Acrylic Print Gallery Panda & Dr Monekers $20.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link (Anonymous)
Spin Rhythm XD Desk Pad Spin Rhythm XD $15.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link None
theounderstars Instapix Polaroids from Celeste The Yetee $10.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link Tone#9722
Yoshi's Island Miniature MrDean $20.00 Minimum Donation Spin Rhythm XD XD Turntable Showcase Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Any% Proud Race None Link Benjamin Paul#3684
Chocobo Plush Pincushion Cat Plushies $20.00 Minimum Donation Neopets: The Darkest Faerie Any% I Wanna Be the Guy Remastered Any% None Link Doctor Acula#9655
Elden Ring Chainmail Inlay The Chain Nerd $50.00 Minimum Donation Neopets: The Darkest Faerie Any% Finale! The End% None Link SineWaveDave#4048
Final Fantasy XIV - Carbuncle Acrylic Charms Ihuatzin $15.00 Minimum Donation Neopets: The Darkest Faerie Any% I Wanna Be the Guy Remastered Any% None Link LeahLouisa#4749 - Justin#1060
Games Done Quick Upcycled Blanket The Yetee $25.00 Minimum Donation Neopets: The Darkest Faerie Any% Finale! The End% None Link Gabtivate#1314
Gen 1 Eeveelutions Keychains nosddo/ohhnoss $5.00 Minimum Donation Neopets: The Darkest Faerie Any% I Wanna Be the Guy Remastered Any% None Link (Anonymous)
Griffoth 3D Painted Model XplosiveAction $5.00 Minimum Donation Neopets: The Darkest Faerie Any% I Wanna Be the Guy Remastered Any% None Link Vydaeon#5773
Kirby Destroyer of Worlds Canvas Print Genel Jumalon $50.00 Minimum Donation Neopets: The Darkest Faerie Any% Finale! The End% None Link (Anonymous)
Kirby Stitched Blanket Ceebs_wsb $50.00 Minimum Donation Neopets: The Darkest Faerie Any% Finale! The End% None Link sodium70mg#8046
Moogle Art Doll Desi D'Coco $20.00 Minimum Donation Neopets: The Darkest Faerie Any% I Wanna Be the Guy Remastered Any% None Link Gumdrop#3784 - Drav#6773
Ori and the Blind Forest Tournament Coin Ogndrahcir $15.00 Minimum Donation Neopets: The Darkest Faerie Any% I Wanna Be the Guy Remastered Any% None Link None
Princess Zelda Amigurumi EscapeKeyCrochet $15.00 Minimum Donation Neopets: The Darkest Faerie Any% I Wanna Be the Guy Remastered Any% None Link A Random Pubbie#3970
The Yetee Plush The Yetee $5.00 Minimum Donation Neopets: The Darkest Faerie Any% I Wanna Be the Guy Remastered Any% None Link Kittoradra#8740 - LankuDC#9171
"Wielders of the Triforce" Tote Bag Mia_Like_Papaya $10.00 Minimum Donation Neopets: The Darkest Faerie Any% I Wanna Be the Guy Remastered Any% None Link Anony Moose#7543
Chainmail Necklace Pokeball Flying Snails Treasures $10.00 Minimum Donation Superhot VR Any% Super Mario 64 Randomizer- 70 Star Non-Stop None Link Havok978#9144
Crochet Orange Luma Geeky Creations Crochet $10.00 Minimum Donation Superhot VR Any% Super Mario 64 Randomizer- 70 Star Non-Stop None Link The History Chick#6122
Crochet Pokeballs Geeky Creations Crochet $5.00 Minimum Donation Superhot VR Any% Super Mario 64 Randomizer- 70 Star Non-Stop None Link (Anonymous) - (Anonymous)
Dressed Up Pokémon Prints Kat the Goblin $10.00 Minimum Donation Superhot VR Any% Super Mario 64 Randomizer- 70 Star Non-Stop None Link Joey#6697
Drifloon Amigurumi Regalli $15.00 Minimum Donation Superhot VR Any% Super Mario 64 Randomizer- 70 Star Non-Stop None Link None
Koraidon and Miraidon Poster Chu $15.00 Minimum Donation Superhot VR Any% Super Mario 64 Randomizer- 70 Star Non-Stop None Link KingLear73#1060
Lechonk Amigurumi EscapeKeyCrochet $20.00 Minimum Donation Superhot VR Any% Super Mario 64 Randomizer- 70 Star Non-Stop None Link (Anonymous)
Link BotW Acrylic Print Gallery Panda & Sumimi Chan $20.00 Minimum Donation Superhot VR Any% Super Mario 64 Randomizer- 70 Star Non-Stop None Link DemonzMetal#7094
Maushold Family Photo Bead Art Canvas Profkayton $15.00 Minimum Donation Superhot VR Any% Super Mario 64 Randomizer- 70 Star Non-Stop None Link (Anonymous)
Mini Weighted Clodsire Plush Pincushion Cat Plushies $20.00 Minimum Donation Superhot VR Any% Super Mario 64 Randomizer- 70 Star Non-Stop None Link Lu#9255
Poke Ball Dream Catcher Flying Snails Treasures $20.00 Minimum Donation Superhot VR Any% Super Mario 64 Randomizer- 70 Star Non-Stop None Link KeptInStitches#6558
Pokemon "Going On An Adventure" Wall Hanging Serenity Black $25.00 Minimum Donation Superhot VR Any% Super Mario 64 Randomizer- 70 Star Non-Stop None Link The Sound Defense#4611
Pokémon Scarlet/Violet Starters Perler Pour Megean Duncan $20.00 Minimum Donation Superhot VR Any% Super Mario 64 Randomizer- 70 Star Non-Stop None Link Genius Game M#2460
Smoliv Amigurumi EscapeKeyCrochet $15.00 Minimum Donation Superhot VR Any% Super Mario 64 Randomizer- 70 Star Non-Stop None Link Janelle H#7965
Sommie Needle Felt Sculpture LemonCarrots $15.00 Minimum Donation Superhot VR Any% Super Mario 64 Randomizer- 70 Star Non-Stop None Link Gneurf#7386
Sprigatito Plush Pincushion Cat Plushies $25.00 Minimum Donation Superhot VR Any% Super Mario 64 Randomizer- 70 Star Non-Stop None Link RailTracer#1287
Super Mario: Bowser Crest Patch WolfenWings $5.00 Minimum Donation Superhot VR Any% Super Mario 64 Randomizer- 70 Star Non-Stop None Link (Anonymous)
BotW Glowing Master Sword Screen Print Sky Pirate Prints $10.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link Benjlin#2334
Breath of the Wild "Boy at the Cauldron" Cookbook chefevabee $5.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link (Anonymous) - Fenhl#4917 - (Anonymous) - Aaron#1785 - Artifice#1857 - (Anonymous) - Whisperfoot#4875 - Sourddough#6073
Crochet Yellow Luma Geeky Creations Crochet $15.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link (Anonymous)
Dark Souls Firelink Shrine Canvas Print Genel Jumalon $25.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link coltex#3116
Elden Ring Acrylic Standee Studio Pen Pen $10.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link (Anonymous)
Elden Ring "First Grace" Framed Canvas Print Genel Jumalon $50.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link ComradeArty#8789
Elden Ring Framed Holographic Prints Art of C.K. $25.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link Freeeshooter#5828
Elden Ring "Grace" Canvas Print Genel Jumalon $25.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link BedBestie#3433
Elden Ring "Is This Dog?" Wood Burning Making It Nerdy $10.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link (Anonymous)
Elden Ring Map "Lands Between" Fabric Print Sky Pirate Prints $10.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link Hanr46#7015
Elden Ring Miniature Painting Cosmic Nails Toronto $20.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link Thallor#2926
Handmade Korok Tufted Wall Art Yuru yuru studio $20.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link (Anonymous)
"Here Together" Canvas Print Autumn-Storm McFaul $25.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link lovablebill#6503
Metroid Iron-On Patches WolfenWings $5.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link Phil#6363
Posable & Joyous Rya Plushies Kaitou Ace $50.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link Cala & Azle#5102
SMW Question Orb Min Turn Makers $25.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link Doriance#9230
Super Metroid Drawing The Gilded Lion $25.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link (Anonymous)
Super Samus Print Studio Pen Pen $5.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link BingBong#9613
Tears of the Kingdom - Collector's Edition SplatRebel1 $25.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link BigC#9283
Tears of the Kingdom "Great Sky Island Dash" Painting Carolyn Design $25.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link None
Tears of the Kingdom Shrine Seal Tote Bag Mia_Like_Papaya $10.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link Volterra#7439
The Legend of Z Acrylic Print Gallery Panda & Hiro_Labs $20.00 Minimum Donation Elden Ring Any% Glitchless Finale! The End% None Link (Anonymous)
Heroic Replicas - Goat Simulator Trophy and Replica Bundle Heroic Replicas $250.00 Cumulative Donations Opens: 2023-05-28T01:00:00-04:00 Closes: 2023-06-05T13:00:00-04:00 None Link Gexxn#9437

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