Cassette Beasts Any% Seeded — Awesome Games Done Quick 2024
Start Time: 2024-01-15T08:02:00-05:00 Run Time: 0:39:28






AChocolateOrange, EpicYoshiMaster, frozenflygone


Name Description Amount Goal
Brushroom's Nickname Choose the name given to Brushroom, one of the two main beasts, for the Cassette Beasts run. 11 character limit. $265.00
Character Name Choose the name used by the player character for the Cassette Beasts run. 11 character limit. $382.77
Recruit Barkley the Dog If met, Corvimae will make friends with Barkley the Dog, do his bonus mission, and then use him to take down the final boss for the Cassette Beasts run. $3,035.00 $3,000.00
Sirenade's Nickname Choose the name given to Sirenade, one of the two main beasts, for the Cassette Beasts run. 11 character limit. $106.00

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty