The Ritual has begun, the pieces of the puzzle have begun to align and soon the Demon Chocobo will be upon us. We shall embrace our Unholy Overlords into the abyss of time, now we shall fight, we shall bring our Wonder Shots, we shall bring our Epoch and we shall fight for our cause. Now is the time, HAIL THE DEMON CHOCOBO, NOW LET US FIGHT, LET US FIGHT FOR CHARITY AND FOR VICTORY, LET US FIGHT FOR DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS, LET US FIGHT TO HELP THOSE IN NEED, IN THE NAME OF OUR DEMON OVERLORD, LET US UNITE!
Thanks for an amazing SGDQ, I just had to donate during the Chrono Trigger run, for one of my favourite games from an amazing Era of gaming. What a way to end the week, let's do our best to support a great cause and make this GDQ end with a bang! This donation goes towards naming Magus 'Hail', Good Luck Runners!