Well everyone, this is my final donation of the marathon. I wish I could've donated more, and wish I could've been there with you all. Good luck all the same to puwexil and Essentia on Chrono Trigger. I'd like to give thanks to everyone involved in making SGDQ 2015 such a huge success for Doctors Without Borders. That includes the runners, the donation station, the hosts, the tech station, the rest of the GDQ staff, everyone in the chats, all the donors and viewers. As for where to put this donation towards, $Z0 for having her hug Crono because that pairing just makes more sense to me compared to Crono and Lucca, $20 to get the Epoch ending because time travel. And, because vulajin said to, $10 to Demon Chocobo, sorry Adam and Kari. :P Hope to see you all at SGDQ 2016.