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Hey Guys! Yetee Here! We're so excited to be a part of SGDQ again! Here's $10,000! Can we donate to complete Essentia's 1/2 minute hero 300, Oregon Trail, Boshy Run and put the rest to save the animals because they deserve a fighting chance. I might change my mind later. Shoutouts to the artists and coolmatty for being awesome! WONDERSHOT! |
Run | Name | Amount |
Half-Minute Hero | Hero 300 | $388.00 |
BONUS! Oregon Trail | Play Oregon Trail, the true finale to Silly Games Done Quick | $959.00 |
BONUS! I Wanna be the Boshy | Play I Wanna be the Boshy | $6,510.00 |
Super Metroid | Save or Kill the animals -- Save them | $2,143.00 |