[FR] philhouh
Time Received: 2024-01-17T17:25:01.292313-05:00 — Amount: $40.00

Hi GDQ team,
This is my 10th year watching AGDQ event (and of course my 10th donation), I just never can't get enough! This event is like vine, it gets better every year! What a great way to support a great cause! Always amazed by the incredible list of games, incredible runners, incredible community and organisation! Keep all the great work!
French mode: je ne peux pas envoyer un petit message sans mentionner LeFrenchRestream et sa communauté dissidente! Petit clin d'oeil à Jamedbol qui régale à chaque commentaire de speedrun nes! Merci à tous pour le super boulot que vous faites, les cadeaux proposés et... hyyyyyyyyyyyype!

Donation Bids

Run Name Amount
BONUS GAME 2- Super Mario 64 16 Star Drum% Super Mario 64 Drum% $40.00

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty