Time Received: 2024-01-17T12:52:54.020107-05:00 — Amount: $155.00

Donating for the Pokemon Crystal randomizer coming up. Pokemon Crystal was THE video game of my childhood. When I first started playing it, I couldn't even read. I just pressed buttons and tried everything until I could get a little further with my best boy, a Cyndaquil named AAAAAAA. I don't know if the runners will use Cyndaquil, but either way, I can't wait to see them scorch their way through this game at breakneck speed. Here's $155 for my first Pokemon, Cyndaquil! ~cyndaquil noises~.

PS. girl trainer (Kris) is best trainer

Donation Bids

Run Name Amount
Pokémon Crystal Full Item Randomizer (Co-op) Shen's Trainer Name -- KRIS $155.00

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty