Emil-handed Run — (Run) NieR: Automata
Total: $2,740.00
Goal: $2,500.00

If met, Halfcoordinated will complete the entire NieR: Automata run while holding an Emil plushie on his free hand.
NameAscDsc Time ReceivedAscDsc AmountAscDsc
(Anonymous) 2017-07-02T12:38:12.120786-04:00 $50.00
2017-07-02T12:37:46.840729-04:00 $50.00
(Anonymous) 2017-07-02T12:37:34.087495-04:00 $20.00
maggo 2017-07-02T12:36:35.605825-04:00 $100.00
Lucy 2017-07-02T12:36:00.548020-04:00 $20.00
2017-07-02T12:35:54.366822-04:00 $50.00
Proc.panda 2017-07-02T12:35:48.401979-04:00 $50.00
2017-07-02T12:34:30.602752-04:00 $5.00
2017-07-02T12:34:02.161321-04:00 $50.00
Agoaj 2017-07-02T12:33:58.178987-04:00 $20.00
(Anonymous) 2017-07-02T12:33:46.460598-04:00 $20.00
Jorg 2017-07-02T12:33:00.640190-04:00 $20.00
Katt 2017-07-02T12:31:05.905828-04:00 $5.00
av_lee 2017-07-02T12:29:54.482844-04:00 $10.00
(Anonymous) 2017-07-02T12:17:32.934466-04:00 $100.00
(Anonymous) 2017-07-02T12:12:16.883368-04:00 $100.00
Tsu Kiyo Me 2017-07-02T12:09:28.805796-04:00 $20.00

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