Fuecoco's Nickname — (Run) Pokémon Scarlet/Violet
Total: $2,999.00

Choose the nickname given to the Fuecoco used for the Pokémon Scarlet/Violet run. 12 character limit.
Name Description Amount
Margaret $909.00
Bulbasaur $565.00
BITEY $434.00
Chef adef $255.00
Kraft Single $255.00
Red VIII $218.00
Peppino $117.00
Rice Cooker $60.00
Glen Coco $55.00
Mr. Vile $30.00
Chef $25.00
Fooey Cocoa $25.00
CharredTater $20.00
Chompsalot $20.00
Leafeon $6.00
ozhidala $5.00

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CSS by Cool Matty