PANDORA PARADOXXX — (Run) Bonus Game 5 - maimai FiNALE
Total: $50,464.62
Goal: $50,000.00

The hardest song in maimai FiNALE, PANDORA PARADOXXX is the only track with a difficulty rating of 14. If met, Starrodkirby86 will attempt to play it on the Re:MASTER difficulty setting.
NameAscDsc Time ReceivedAscDsc AmountAscDsc
DJ Darkwing D 2021-07-09T21:54:11.563480-04:00 $5.00
(Anonymous) 2021-07-09T21:54:11.221396-04:00 $25.00
Bruno_fightmasta 2021-07-09T21:54:09.825833-04:00 $25.00
Neon 2021-07-09T21:54:00.654498-04:00 $25.00
Peebles 2021-07-09T21:53:57.729353-04:00 $25.00
Auxo 2021-07-09T21:53:56.543290-04:00 $100.00
Yukupo 2021-07-09T21:53:46.737967-04:00 $25.00
The Leaf Witch 2021-07-09T21:53:45.329960-04:00 $50.00
tap tap 2021-07-09T21:53:42.316963-04:00 $25.00
(Anonymous) 2021-07-09T21:53:12.522846-04:00 $50.00

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