Deltarune True Pacifist Ending Race — Summer Games Done Quick 2019
Start Time: 2019-06-25T21:35:00-04:00 Run Time: 0:28:19


cookiepocalypse, Shayy




Name Description Amount Goal
BONUS RUN 2: Deltarune Any% NG+ Race The second bonus game of the event, if met, we will replace Bonus Game 2 with an Any% NG+ race of Deltarune between Cookiepocalypse and Shayy. $30,292.75 $30,000.00
Fight Jevil If met, the runners for Deltarune will fight the hidden extra difficult boss, Jevil. $15,609.97 $15,000.00

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty