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Prize: Karmotrine Dream Cocktail Recipe Book Minimum Bid: $10.00 Image: Link
Contributed By
Beat Slayer
Pru the Pigeon
Conquests of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin Hood
Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
Dandy & Randy DX vs Dumpy & Bumpy
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Unicorn Overlord
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
Spyro: Reignited Trilogy
F-Zero GX
Grab your trusty cocktail shaker and the fanciest glass you own, and get ready to mix drinks and change lives!

Karmotrine Dream is a book of cocktail recipes reimagined as five friends' combined efforts to commemorate their trip to Glitch City (without access to all the synthetic ingredients you can find at VA-11 Hall-A). Each easy-to-follow recipe is accompanied by beautiful stylized photography as well as stories and helpful comment-section crosstalk from our intrepid zine-writers.

There are 25 recipes in all, plus eight mocktail variations, along with a glossary to help you read and recreate each oneā€”from "Bad Touch" and "Frothy Water" to "Zen Star" and "Flaming Moai."

It was written, mixed, and photographed by Bryan Connor, a classically trained pastry chef and the author of Mother's Cookbook, with design and layout by Audrey Waner.

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Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty