Time Received: 2022-01-12T18:34:28.266976-05:00 — Amount: $50.00

Donating in memory of my grandparents, gone too early from cancer. Love you Mimi and Bumpa <3

This event always brings me so much joy and it's so inspiring seeing thousands of people come together to make such a force of generosity and compassion happen. Thank you everyone!

Let's go chat, and hit 1mil! We can do it!

Donation Bids

Run Name Amount
3DS Zelda Game Bidwar Any% Majora's Mask 3D or Ocarina of Time 3D Ocarina of Time vs Majora's Mask -- Majora's Mask 3D $50.00

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty