Time Received: 2022-01-12T03:09:31.596639-05:00 — Amount: $500.00

I was highly amused at hearing "The Rules of the Road" by XPRTNovice during intermission between the Tormented Souls and Faith II runs. I spent $500 on that as an incentive for the Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin Kickstarter campaign back in 2012. I supplied OCRemix two options. Option 1: a cappella FFVII's Crazy Motorcycle Chase / CrazyBus Title Screen mash-up. Option 2: Kirby Air Ride's Checker Knights done in djpretzel's 2001 Elastic New Year style. Clearly a crime was prevented. Anyway, I'm donating the same amount to help fight cancer. Keep on being awesome everyone! =)

Donation Bids

Run Name Amount
3DS Zelda Game Bidwar Any% Majora's Mask 3D or Ocarina of Time 3D Ocarina of Time vs Majora's Mask -- Majora's Mask 3D $500.00

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty