Watson Tungjunyatham
Time Received: 2020-08-22T21:24:42.655045-04:00 — Amount: $575.00

As we reach 10 years, Games Done Quick has been a constant staple and an annual delight for me. Knowing how insane this year has been, I'm finally in a comfortable standing to give back to an event that's enriched mine and so many other's lives. Thank you so much.I part with a Pokedex haiku:A hot topic, you seeGothorita haiku spree!Armor DLC.

Donation Bids

Run Name Amount
Pokémon Shield Any% (Shield) Arcanine's Nickname -- Red 13 $100.00
Pokémon Shield Any% (Shield) Excadrill's Nickname -- Dio! $100.00
Pokémon Shield Any% (Shield) Trainer's Nickname -- MSF $75.00
Pokémon Shield Any% (Shield) Scorbunny's Nickname -- HappyF333tz $300.00

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty