[FR] Anenzoras
Time Received: 2020-08-22T18:39:53.739601-04:00 — Amount: $300.00

HeyGuys, hope y'all do alright. Let's break that $2M, shall we? Anyway keep up the peach, or so we say on the French Restream :-p(FrenchRestream side:)Coucou, si vous entendez ça c'est que les ambianceurs n'ont pas fait ce que je leur ai demandé. Bises, gardez la pêche.

Donation Bids

Run Name Amount
Pokémon Shield Any% (Shield) Excadrill's Nickname -- Taupe50 $300.00

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty