Harvester of Eyes
Time Received: 2018-06-29T20:03:31.597232-04:00 — Amount: $25.00

Hey guys. Long time watcher, first time donor. I've loved watching your archives on YouTube, so glad I can watch one live. Sadly I'm a busy man with a wife and two dogs to feed, but I've set aside some time to watch the Super Mario 64 speedrun. Here we gooooooo!

And now I'd like to dip into the wisdom of my fellow Irishman Denis Leary: Save the animals, as long as they're cute! Good luck to all the runners, and thanks for everything you do!

Donation Bids

Run Name Amount
TASBot plays Super Metroid 0% by Sniq and total 0% while running past audible invisible animals Save or Kill the Animals...Again -- Save the Animals $25.00

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty