Though I am not new to Games Done Quick, this is my first time donating. With this donation I want to give a shout out to the person that introduced me to speed running and GDQ, Kari Fry. I've been friends with her and her husband Ryan for a few years and both are amazing people who volunteer and help to make each GDQ even better than the last, though we haven't talked to each other lately due to an argument we had a couple of months ago. I feel terrible about what happened and am sincerely sorry about it all, and hope that one fight didn't cut the strings of our friendship forever. I hope that Kari, Ryan, all of the volunteers and supporters, and everyone watching and donating have a great rest of the week and continue enjoying the rest of the runs. If either Kari or Ryan are available, they can chose which incentive this donation goes to. Otherwise it's announcer's choice.