Comment |
Greetings all! Pandatron76 here. To begin I would like the amount of this donation to be split between the runner's and the commentators (UltimoIce, Falex, Skateman and Auri for $250 for each). Per an individual's request, I've decided to have... 'fun' with this donation. Provide below are some jokes/puns that I hope can all be read and that hopefully UltimoIce will enjoy. If not all of them can be read then I completely understand. Without further a due here they are:
What do you call a failed Earthbound attempt on the virtual console? A wiiset. Where do planes land in Earthbound? On Runway 5. Why doesn't Ness like sports? He has a habit of going out out of bounds. How does Winters manage their pet population? They take them to Jeff to get them fixed. I hope these puns are Kraken you all up. Just a few more... Why is Lardna never invite to parties? Because she is a buzz buzz kill. What did Lier X Agerate find before the Mani Mani statue? The Pedi Pedi statue. What do you call a bad referee? A Jefferee. What is an Earthbound runners least favorite ice cream flavor? Red swirl. Not a pun but a serious question, why is there an item called "Rabbit's Foot" if there are no visible rabbits in the game (I could be wrong on this...)? Finally shout outs to the GDQ staff, thier affliates, commentators and all the other speedrunners that have participated at this event. I do have a simple request, during the credits I would like to request for a moment of silience during the song 'Smile and Tears' for the portion which states "I miss you" (if this cannot be fullfilled I totally understand). Good luck (hopefully no homesick, 16+ cycle Car Painters, Endless Threed Cave and Anime Beta) and equally hope all the execution required in this run goes smoothly for you UltimoIce. Definitely great to see you showcasing this game at such a great event. Cheers!!! |
Run | Name | Amount |
Earthbound Any% Glitchless | Player Name -- Frisk | $1,000.00 |