Poot The Bard
Time Received: 2017-01-14T20:19:44.323900-05:00 — Amount: $20.00

HOI! AGDQ is such an incredible event and is happening for such a wonderful cause. I lost my grandmother to cancer and both my parents are survivors to due to early detection...so this event means a lot. Loving the Windwaker run and looking forward to Undertale. Oh...and kill the animals, frames are people too!

Donation Bids

Run Name Amount
Undertale True Pacifist Ending How do we handle the final boss? -- Comfort Them $15.00
Super Metroid 100% Fate of the Animals -- Kill the Animals $5.00

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty