Time Received: 2016-07-09T21:06:58.352606-05:00 — Amount: $42.10

My donation amount represents the current Any% world record shared by Oats and Zoast, and is broken down as follows:
My two cents — It is illogical to save the animals, for two reasons: 1) Samus has no prior encounters with them during an Any% run. 2) Even if she did encounter them, how would she know they had moved to a different room after she met them?
The other $42.08 — Equal shares to each runner’s choice, because I trust they’ll all do the right thing. #DeeRForCe

Donation Bids

Run Name Amount
Super Metroid Any% Save or Kill the Animals -- Kill $0.02

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty