Scott Fowler
Time Received: 2016-07-08T17:50:55.276752-04:00 — Amount: $20.00

GDQs are a highlight of my girlfriend and I's summer and winter. Everything we've watched has been amazing, and we're super excited for tomorrow's runs (Diablo for me, FFVI for her), so split the donation between 'ChrisWilson' and Demon Chocobo. Good luck and godspeed to everyone!

Donation Bids

Run Name Amount
Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction Any% Normal Druid Character Name -- Chris Wilson $10.00
Final Fantasy VI Any% Sketch Glitch Demon Chocobo vs. Good Taste -- Demon Chocobo $10.00

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty