Magical Savant
Time Received: 2016-01-08T10:56:15.041878-05:00 — Amount: $50.00

I love AGDQ and hate cancer. Both my parents are cancer survivors. 20 years ago, Dad had a 20% chance to live 3 months and luckily got in a clinical trial that worked.

Good luck Mr. Llama on your Diablo II run. The entire Llama Army is behind you! Teo Shrine HYPE (and leave Deckard Cain: he's a jerk)!

Donation Bids

Run Name Amount
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction D2:LOD Sorceress Any% Normal Save or Leave Deckard Cain -- Leave Deckard Cain $50.00

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Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty