Hi, original viewer here. I've seen part of every gdq live since the first one. I made sure to stay up all night so I wouldn't miss this one and I need to tell you why. When I was about 10 years old I got hooked on a certian book series which to this day is still my favorite series of all time. So hooked on it I was that one day my parents decided to surprise me with a new video game. An awful game that I tried really hard to beat but only ever made it to level 2. The game was so awful that I never thought it would ever be run at a GDQ. Imagine my shock at finding out that not only did it get routed at a GDQ but that it actually made the cut and would be a part of one. So what does this mean? Basically I'm an Animorphs hipster that played this game long before all the cool kids were speedrunning it. 10 year old me failed so now it is up to you to beat it so I can experience it vicariously through you. Good luck with the run, I know it will be amazing......ly awful.