mancuso, mike (The Yetee)
Time Received: 2016-01-04T13:52:53-05:00 — Amount: $18,255.00

Hey All, Yetee here! We're super hyped for AGDQ2016. We're happy to announce we've raised $18255 for Prevent Cancer Foundation! Thank you to everyone who has picked up a tee! Day one was so clutch and we're excited for some of the upcoming stuff. Speaking of, there are somethings that we NEED to see happen, so can we donated 2956 for Sephiroth, 645 for Time Force Hardcore, 801 to killing the animals and 801 to saving the animals and please please please give us more Mario Maker, donate $13052 to make that happen. And finally massive thank yous to the amazing artists who designed the tees!

Donation Bids

Run Name Amount
Super Metroid Reverse Boss Order Save or Kill the Animals -- Kill them $801.00
Super Metroid Reverse Boss Order Save or Kill the Animals -- Save them $801.00
Super Mario Maker Custom Level Blind Race Mario Maker Hard Level race $13,052.00
Super Time Force Ultra All Missions Super Hardcore Difficulty $645.00
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX Any% Proud Sephiroth Fight $2,956.00

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Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty