Galen Firestone
Time Received: 2016-01-03T15:04:10.356004-05:00 — Amount: $100.00

Shoutout to Spike, the most awesome reader at GDQ! And a pretty awesome runner too, I guess.

All joking aside, thanks so much for what you guys are doing, y'all are fantastic.

A little money to Waluigi in Mario Kart 8, a little money to the 16-star Mario 64 bonus, and a little money to saving the yoshis. Killing animals is one thing, but Yoshis? That's just cold.

Donation Bids

Run Name Amount
Super Mario 64 Multiplayer 16 Star Bonus Game - Super Mario 64 (16 star) $60.00
Super Mario Maker Custom Level Blind Race Save or Kill the Yoshis -- Save the Yoshis $20.00
Mario Kart 8 200cc 32 Tracks Hard CPU Character choice -- Waluigi $20.00

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Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty