Comment |
This is dedicated to Crismas (She is doing DKC2 Commentary for the race | If someone can make sure this is read before the run while she is there than I will be greatful).
Cris you are the most important thing in my life and I love you. When you were diagnosed with cancer I cried worried I would lose you. I had to pull myself together to tell myself that I will fight this with you. I watched what the medication did to you. What you lost and how weak you had gotten. No matter what we held each others hands and pushed through. Almost 2 years have passed since then and we are going to be going to be together at AGDQ with all our friends then Apex. You beat it and your inspiration to others should be known and cherished. I donate this to you and how you showed what a strong person you are. I love you Cristin and never forget it. Now go enjoy DKC2 and everyone give her some props for being the best :) Also donating to my fav game Sonic 3/Knuckles so support LORD HDL! As the doctor would say ALLONS-Y! |
Run | Name | Amount |
Sonic 3 and Knuckles | Character Bid War -- Play as Tails | $60.00 |