Hey everyone, your friendly neighborhood moderator Rakuen here. I am absolutely amazed at the generosity everyone has shown through the course of this marathon. I knew we would smash the donation, but I never thought we'd be closing in on tripling it. I think we need a round of applause for all the donators, all 3116 at the time of this donation. Second, much appreciation to those in the chat who behaved themselves and were respectful throughout the marathon. It's never easy moderating a chat this big, and we had problems at times, but you all were a big help with keeping the +M off as much as possible. Round of applause for you. Finally, thanks to all the moderators and players who donated their time and energy for this event. Again, it's staggering to think we started two years ago with CGDQ, and here we are now. We'd never have gotten this far without your commitment. Final round of applause goes to you. This is my last donation of the marathon, and I'm putting it toward Counter kill for Sephiroth. See you all at the bonus streams, and then the next marathon. Maybe SGDQ2?