Drilbur's Nickname — (Run) Pokemon White 2
Total: $4,348.42

Choose the nickname given to the Drilbur/Excadrill used for the Pokémon White 2 run. 10 character limit.
Name Description Amount
my cat! $1,479.80
BLÅHAJ $1,453.40
Gurren $535.00
grr.jpg $135.00
McDrilface $130.00
CodyRhodes $75.00
Translefts $70.00
Hank Hill $60.00
Fluttershy $50.22
Bottles $50.00
maulwurf $50.00
USA $50.00
Wheee $50.00
Orb $35.00
Area Man $25.00
Joe Dirt $25.00
MrManchego $25.00
HoleyMoley $15.00
Aria Joie $10.00
HolyMoley $10.00
Mysil Berg $10.00
Skrillbur $5.00

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Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty