Scorbunny's Nickname — (Run) Pokémon Shield
Total: $12,068.06

Choose the nickname given to the Scorbunny used for the Pokémon Shield run. 12 character limit.
Name Description Amount
HappyF333tz $8,155.50
Hariet $1,308.00
JOHN_CENA $960.20
scORBunny $400.00
Pepper $250.00
Bnuuy $214.36
BunBun $170.00
Behl $125.00
Rapinoe $105.00
Arcanine $100.00
Reisen $85.00
ARBYS $80.00
Marnie $50.00
DAME_TIME $30.00
Dog $25.00
Roger $5.00
Sobble $5.00

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Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty